A short story

you're doing well
she texts you back
I find the time
to see you Saturday

it rains
we don't miss the last train
the sky turns purple at dusk
you aren't in pain

I didn't bother you
I could help you
you're feeling better now
you have a great day too

this night, this song never ends
they understand
this helps
it's not too late
we cross paths again

But this time
There is Hope
At the start of every line

PS: This email finds you well.

Foolish as it may seem, sometimes, hope is the secret of my energy (our energy). It is a good thing, yes? And like the Boost punchline, no good thing ever dies. Or something profound to that effect.

Happy new year & all that (I waited 5 days to ensure 2021 doesn't act up)



Prerna Lalwani

Window seat catcher. Smiler to strangers. Sunset seeker. Geek goddess. Bombae. Stardust. Finance at Amazon. Content & contentment everywhere.